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School Logo

St Bartholomew's

Catholic Primary School




Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Will my child get into St.Bartholomew's if I apply for a place?

R. All children are welcome at St.Bartholomew's. Our intake is up to 45 children in each year group. This is changing from September 25 and will be reduced to 30 from that date onwards. If we are your first choice, complete your applications form, including two other schools you would be happy for your child to go to, if you do not get a place at our school. Make sure you use all three places or you may be allocated any school that has a place in St. Helens. Check the admission criteria on the website. This is approved by Governors but is recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. The Local Authority manages the admission process based on this. Baptised Catholic children, living in the parish of St. Bartholomew's are chosen first ('looked after' children get first priority). The local authority places children children by going through these criteria, until all 45 (September 2025 onwards - 30) places are allocated. Recently, we have been able to take almost all the children who have applied for a place, including children of other faiths than catholic. If you would like a visit to see our lovely school and to see if it is the right place for you child, please call the school office 01744 678550.


Q. Which high school do children go to from St. Bartholomew's?

R. This varies each year and depends on parental choice. Most children have recently gone to either De La Sale or Rainhill. Other children have also gone to Wade Deacon, Bluecoats, St Edwards and Rainford.


Q.Do you have wrap around care?

R. Yes, 'Barties' is open from 7.45am till 8.45am for Breakfast Club and 3.15pm-5.55pm for After School. It is run mainly by staff who work at the school and know the children well. 


Q. What are the start/finish times for school?

R. Children can come into school on the first bell at 8.45am. Registration closes at 8.55am. School finishes at 3.15pm. 


Q. What clubs are available for children?

R. These vary each term or half term and are changed to offer a wider range. Most clubs run after school. These include netball, football, multi-skills, choir, gardening, Spanish, Mad Science, This Girl Can, dodgeball, tennis, art, dance and others. Some clubs such as Funky Feet and KS1 Football are before school. Year 6 children are also invited to attend booster clubs before and after school. 


Q. How are children split when they are in a mixed aged class?

R. From Reception, by age. If your child is arriving at St Bartholomew's via an in-year transfer, a place will be allocated based on an available space within a year group class. 


Q. What foreign language do the children learn?

R. All children learn Spanish from Reception upwards.


Q. What opportunity is there to learn an instrument?

There are many opportunities. The PFA pay for all Y4 children to learn an instrument in class with a specialist tutor. Children can also enrol in extra lessons that they may have in small groups with a music tutor. Singing and music is an important part of life at St. Bartholomew's. 


Q.How are children supported if they have special education needs?

R. Children are supported using St Helens 'Graduated Approach' by their class teacher who has responsibility for their education. They liaise with Mrs Bingham, the SENDCO. Teaching assistants are used to provide additional support where needed. This is reviewed frequently, Mrs Bingham liaises with other agencies to access specialist advice and support, where appropriate. 


Q.How are children supported if they are more able?

R. Children are supported by their class teacher who has responsibility for their education. They may access additional small group support at times to ensure they make good progress that is expected of them. 


Q.What involvement is there with the Parish?

R. Staff work closely with Fr.Phil, the parish priest and chair of governors to deliver the Archdiocesan 'Come and See' syllabus. The RE curriculum is moving into the Religious Education Directory in a phased plan from September 2023 onwards. Children in Y4 who wish to make their First Communion are prepared to do so. Fr. Phil visits school regularly; children also make good use of St. Bartholomew's church to deepen their learning in RE lessons. Fr. Phil celebrates Masses throughout the year in the school hall for the children and staff. There is also a parish Mass held each month to which all children and families are invited to take an active part in.


Q.How often do children have assembly?

R. Children usually have two assemblies a week, which are usually either junior or infant assemblies. On other days, they have collective worship in class. Children love these quiet times of reflection, especially when they are involved in planning and leading them. Parents are invited to join their children when they are leading class prayer times. 




