Come and See and To Know You More Clearly
EYFS retelling the Easter Story
Year 1 visited church to learn about the special books that Fr Phil uses in church.
Fr Phil visiting Y5 and Y6 to talk about vocation and commitment
Fr Phil came to visit Year 5 and Year 6 to support them in their learning about ‘Vocation and Commitment’. He talked about how he had always wanted to help others and had started off his career as a trainee solicitor in a busy office in central Liverpool. Fr Phil explained that God called him to be a priest so he could live out his mission of serving others, within a faith community. Fr Phil shared his ordination experience describing it as ‘the best day of my life’. This was an occasion which was shared with his family, friends and the many other people who had supported him on his journey to becoming a priest. Fr Phil explained what vocation and commitment meant to him and how it has shaped him throughout his life. Pupils asked Fr Phil if it was hard to stay faithful to God and to always follow the path God had chosen for him. Fr Phil explained that it wasn’t easy, but he used the power of prayer and his faith in God to support him through any moments he found difficult or challenging. Pupils were given the chance to reflect on this message and to describe and talk about their own experiences of commitment.
Year 1 2 learning the parts of the mass
Pupils in Year 1 and Year 2 have been using role play to learn different parts of the mass. They blessed themselves when reading God's word and led their classes in shared prayer.
Jesus feeds the 5000
EYFS have heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. They made bracelets of fish and bread. They made a promise to be like Jesus and to help those in need.