Topic Three - Loving- Advent
EYFS - Birthday
- What people do during Advent.
- Advent is a time for getting ready for Christmas.
- Means of preparing Advent Calendar/Advent Wreath.
- Advent a special season of longing and waiting for Jesus birth at Christmas.
- The Crib.
- The Nativity Story.
- The Shepherds.
- The Wise Men.
- The Hail Mary.
Year 1 - Waiting:
- Some aspects of the liturgical season of Advent: a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.
- Advent wreath and its symbolism.
- The Annunciation.
- The Visitation.
- The Nativity.
- The beginning of an understanding of the Incarnation.
Year 2 - Preparations:
- Advent four weeks of preparation for the celebration of Jesus at Christmas.
- Understanding of the liturgical year.
- Isaiah description of the one who is to come.
- The Annunciation.
- The Visitation.
- The Nativity.
- Jesus comes to us as God’s gift because he loves us.
- Jesus light for the world.
- The opening prayer at the Night Mass.
Year 3 - Visitors:
- Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
- The meaning of the Jesse tree.
- Isaiah foretells the coming o the Messiah.
- The joys and demands of being a Christian.
- The stories of the Annunciation and the Visitation.
- The story of the birth of Jesus and the visit of the Shepherds (Luke).
- The visit of the Wise Men (Matthew).
- An understanding that Jesus came to earth for the good of all.
Year 4 - Gift:
- The liturgical season of Advent.
- Advent is focused on the “coming” of Jesus as Messiah.
- The messiah is the one promised by God who would show God’s love and bring peace.
- Isaiah prophecy about coming of the Messiah.
- Further understanding of the Incarnation.
- That Jesus will come again at the end of the world as he promised.
- Gaudete Sunday.
- The visit of the Wise Men.
Year 5 - Hope:
- The liturgical season of Advent.
- The theological virtue of hope.
- Isaiah and Jeremiah’s prophecies about the coming of the Messiah.
- Waiting in hope for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
- Waiting in hope for the second coming of Christ at the end of time.
- Further understanding of the Incarnation.
- Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
Year 6 - Expectations:
- The liturgical season of Advent.
- Isaiah’s expectation of the Messiah.
- The Word in John’s Gospel.
- The Annunciation.
- The Incarnation.
- The Angelus.
- John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah.
- The second coming of Jesus Christ.