Topic Nine - Universal Church
EYFS - Our World:
God created the world and it was good.
Everyone shares God’s world.
We take care of the world.
The implications of being part of God’s global family.
Praising God by praying a psalm.
Year 1 - Neighbours:
Everyone is a neighbour and loved by God.
The story of Good Samaritan.
God gives dignity to each human person.
A Christian’s faith impels them to act fairly towards others.
Understanding and application in daily life of Fairtrade.
The implications of being global neighbours.
Year 2 - Treasures:
The Creation story - Genesis.
God made the world.
Respect for the integrity of Creation.
Praise of God in Creation.
Solidarity with those in need.
The work of CAFOD.
God’s care for us.
Praise for the World.
The Gloria of the Mass.
Year 3 - Special Places:
The importance of places associated with the earthly life of Jesus.
The place of pilgrimage in the Christian life.
Conservation of Creation.
The interdependence within Creation.
Places set aside for worship –churches.
Beginnings of an understanding of contemplative prayer.
The social teaching of the Church: justice and solidarity.
Year 4 - God's People:
The Communion of Saints.
The call to holiness.
What a martyr is.
Examples of holy people including Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.
Year 5 - Stewardship:
An understanding of the book of Genesis and other scripture related to stewardship.
The harmony and order of the created world.
Solidarity among all creatures.
Being made in the image and likeness of God.
The integrity of the creation.
The stewardship of creation.
The Catholic Social Teaching about care for others and for the integrity of creation.
Year 6 - Common Good:
Jesus came for the poor and marginalised.
The Beatitudes.
Catholic Social Teaching.
The Common Good.
The acceptance of personal responsibility.
Respect for the dignity of the human person.
Human solidarity.