Topic Five - Relating-Eucharist
EYFS - Gathering:
The parish family gathers for Mass.
Entering the church: the holy water font, the aisle and the benches where the people gather.
Ministries of welcoming and of serving at Mass.
Jesus gathered the children to speak to them (Mark 10).
Parts of the Mass: gathering, welcome, listening to God’s Word, receiving Jesus in Holy Communion.
Year 1 - Meals:
Catholics go to Mass as members of God’s family.
At Mass the action and the words of the Last Supper are repeated.
The Preparation of the Gifts.
The words and meaning of the Consecration.
The Our Father.
Presence of Jesus in Holy Communion.
Acknowledgement that all good things come from God.
The importance of prayer: grace before meals.
Year 2 - Thanksgiving:
Parts of the Mass – Introductory Rites, Liturgy of Word, Liturgy of Eucharist, Concluding Rites.
Some Mass responses.
Eucharistic prayer for children.
Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist.
The implication of the concluding Rite of the Mass, where Catholics enter the world with a mission.
Year 3 - Listening & Sharing:
The responses of the Mass.
The Penitential Act.
The Gloria.
Liturgy of the Word.
The Gospel is the Good News.
God speaks to us through the scriptures.
The Creed.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Preparation of the Gifts.
The Eucharistic Prayer.
The Communion Rite.
Sending forth.
Year 4 - Giving & Receiving:
Introductory Rites.
Penitential Act.
Communion Rite.
The Lord’s Prayer.
The Sign of Peace.
Lamb of God.
Holy Communion.
Prayer after Communion.
Concluding Rite.
Year 5 - Memorial Sacrifice:
Passover in Exodus.
The institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.
The Eucharist as a memorial sacrifice of Jesus.
Transubstantiation through the power of the Holy Spirit, of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Proclaiming the mystery of faith.
Eucharistic Prayer II.
Year 6 - Unity:
The priestly prayer of unity of Jesus in John 17.
One body in union with Christ.
Eucharistic Prayers for Children III.
The Communion Rite.
The unity of the Church in Heaven and on earth with the offering of Christ.
Our Father.
The priest’s prayer for peace and unity.
Lamb of God.
The prayer: Lord, I am not worthy.
The Eucharistic presence of Christ.
Reception of Christ in Holy Communion and union of the faithful.