Topic Seven - Serving-Pentecost
EYFS - Good News:
Jesus rose from the dead at Easter.
Alleluia, a word to praise God.
Jesus sends the Holy Spirit.
The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Pentecost- the beginning of the Church.
Sharing the Good News that Jesus is alive.
Year 1 - Holidays & Holy Days:
Ascension Day, before Jesus ascended to Heaven he promised to send his Holy Spirit.
Pentecost; a holy day – the feast of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost – the beginning of the Church.
The Holy Spirit is a helper and guide.
Some symbols of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit enables Christians to pass on the message of the Good News of Jesus.
Year 2 - Spreading The Word:
Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
The Ascension; Jesus returns to his Father.
Pentecost - the gift of the Holy Spirit for all time.
The power of the Holy Spirit in daily life.
Christians pass on the Good News of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
The resurrection of the dead.
Year 3 - Energy:
The appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection.
The Ascension, Jesus returns to his Father.
The first three Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Pentecost: the coming of the Holy Spirit.
How the Church celebrates Pentecost.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Symbols of the Holy Spirit and their meaning.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians.
Year 4 - New Life:
The descent of the Holy Spirit on Our Lady and Apostles.
The feast of Pentecost.
The power of the Holy Spirit.
The gift and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The witness to the Resurrection of Peter and John.
The Journey’s of Paul.
The beginning of the Christian Church.
Paul’s journeys; beginning of the Christian Church.
Year 5 - Transformation:
The teaching of the Risen Lord on the road to Emmaus.
The beginning of the Church of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit strengthens and transforms the lives of Christians.
The fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit.
The prayer - Come Holy Spirit.
The Conversion of Saul.
Some of the letters of Paul.
The Spirit at work in God’s family.
Jesus Christ lives in and acts through the Church.
Year 6 - Witnesses:
Post Resurrection appearances of Jesus.
Jesus - Promise of the Holy Spirit.
The Ascension of Jesus.
The choice of Stephen who was to be the first martyr.
The power of the Holy Spirit.
The role of service of deacons.
The conversion and witness of Lydia in Acts.
Modern witnesses to the Good News.
The moral life of Christians is sustained by the Holy Spirit.