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School Logo

St Bartholomew's

Catholic Primary School


Barties is the name of our school wrap-around care provision. It is open before and after school from 7.45am to 5.55pm*.


Barties staff and the school office manage the club sessions. If you have any enquiries please email the school office marked for the attention of Barties Club.


The telephone number for Barties (only available during Barties hours for emergency contact such as a change of person collecting a pupil) is 01744 678558.


Opening hours


Breakfast Club


7.45am to 8.45am charged at £5.50 per child per session. Breakfast includes toast, cereal, juice and fruit. 


After school 


Session 1: 3.15pm to 4.45pm charged at £6.00 per child per session.


Session 2: If a child stays in Barties after 4.45pm, the cost increases to £7.50 per child per session.


Please note that a late payment charge of £10 applies if children are not collected at the end of the club session. 


Children attending Barties have access to indoor and outdoor games, reading books, craft sessions, Ipads, movies and other indoor/outdoor activities. 


Snacks are available - these include juice, fruit and biscuits. 


*from September 2024 Barties closes on a Friday at 4.45pm and the late fee will apply for any pupils not collected at 4.45pm on that day. 


